Autism, in my opinion, is a neurological variant that exists as part of the ever diverse human race.
Autism is one word that has a boundless projection of stories behind it. It is purely a topic that is heterogeneous, and I believe no amount of observation, research or study will ever produce a neatly wrapped parcel that contains the perfect definition of Autism.
Why do we need to understand what Autism is?
in my view, the more understanding that is built around what it means to be Autistic then the more chance there is of putting right the wrongs that exist because of historical false beliefs and assumptions. Once these truths have filtered down through society, diluted the damage and the upcoming generations openly exposed to the diversity of the human race then finally Autistic people may have a chance at acceptance rather than just awareness. This could allow for those not yet identified as Autistic an opportunity to feel accepted without having to go through the perils of the current diagnosis process.
Every snowflake is different but when it falls on a landscape it's called snow.
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