Lockdown for me as an Autsitc, ADHD’r was very much metaphorically too far away for me to comprehend. Ambiguous feelings, a sense of expectation to be shocked or comment somewhere along those lines was felt but I didn’t really have anything generally socially acceptable to share.
I heard many fear for their and their loved ones mental health. But why? Because we were no longer legally allowed to socialise. The socially dependent humans of the world- The ones who usually predominate the social circles diminished to meer shells of themselves making it blatantly clear how socially dependent they are. Disabled by a Pandemic and assuming that everyone feels that way. Not me. It was no different to my regular life- Not leaving the house, not compelled to socialise in order to maintain my well-being. But suddenly the topic of mental health soars to the top of the pile of issues in need of attention. But why was this not the case when we, the Autsitc ‘minority’ were suffering. Surely this is an opportunity not to be missed? Isn’t empathy, experience supposed to help move is forward. When things go back to ‘normal’ what is life going to be like? Will it be better for everyone and would society function more positively if Autistic & PNT ways were adopted on an equal footing?
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